Playing "Connect the Pipe" with friends! Race the scoreboard!

(Single player uses drag and drop. Every white tile represents a real smart phone)

How To Play:

1. Aim for the highest score!
2. Drag white tile to the red box to start game (because of space limitation)
3. Click star to get a few more tiles
4. While dragging, do right-click to rotate a tile
5. press start to fill water
6. keep the water flowing!
7. Scoring:
  - Completing a tile gains points, Branching to 1/2/3 tiles gains 1/2/3 points
  - Completing a loop gains 5 points

Thanks Kenney again for your amazingly easy to use polished assets

Play multiplayer version here (Need at least 3 smart phones to begin having fun):

Multiplayer controls:

  1. Find at least 3 phones
  2. Go to Mark the room number and let all phones go to the same room
  3. Press star to get a tile
  4. To connect two phones (say A and B), 
    1. Place A and B side to side,
    2. Touch an arrow on A
    3. Touch an arrow on B
    4. See that both of them light up the background to confirm
    5. Fail attempts will reset the queue
  5. Scoring and game rule is the same as single player
  6. Take turns to take a rest! the speed increment can be slowed down!

Made withPhaser


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I really like this concept. I found the text drawing over the play area was a bit intrusive, and it could use some keyboard input for  "new tile" and "rotate" just for comfort of play. I could really see myself playing this for too many hours.

(1 edit)

Thank you sooo much for leaving a comment!

About the ui:

Yes it is intrusive. i should improve it some time maybe this weekend.

The point is: I envision it to be multiplayer and then have a single player as practice mode, so i didn't pay enough time to refine the single player part.

And it turns out that multiplayer is too laggy to enjoy, and it is already time to hand in.

I also could have made it infinitely expandable with chunk management. Then you will be able to drag the map across, and not be limited by the map bound.

Or just let you drag the whole thing forthe time being

Unfortunately this will only be updated at

- (single player)

- (multiplayer)

before the whole jam ends

It sucks when we can not make all that we want to in the time limit of a jam. Totally understandable. I think it's a really cool concept finished or not.

it does not suck that much in retrospect. how often do you have all adrenaline to make a game this fast?

i just pushed myself beyond the limit this time (yet again) seeing how several of my past game code combine to produce this! Super proud of myself

I totally agree. Pushing our limits is a large part of why I do these things!