
You pass your only hope to someone
(, or do you hold on to it until it fades?)

Made in under 2 hours just to not miss the jam (and the wonderful interpretation of Passing your Age to someone. sorry theme!)


(that i didn't have time to put inside the game)

  • You are escaping from your country with thousands of refugee through a dark tunnel. 
  • You have a torch
  • You lit it to get just enough hope to move forward
  • But it can run out of battery... 

How To Play

  • Click (the foot of) another person to pass your torch to them.
  • People with battery will have a blue battery icon
  • Keep the torch with these people to recharge when it goes out


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This is a great cool proof-of-concept in 2 hours time!! I didn't read the Story text until afterwards. The aesthetic and theme reminded me of those interactive animations KIDS and Plug-and-Play (made by the Playables team)


You had a great Idea here, It has great potential to explore mechanics as a narrative. I would like to explore things like "why would I give someone the torch?" "what would I do if I had two or more choices? why would I give the torch to one and not the other?" and "what would happen If I DONT need to give the torch". There are great questions to explore. Thanks for making it! :D


thanks, i ll try to squeeze time to finish what i started